Mar 29, 2012


Obviously "it was very dark chocolate" does not mean it's not a sweet. My Mistress explained that to me this morning, when I confessed eating it, with the help of a riding crop. So ok, I get that now. That excuse is out.

"It was so small", "I only chewed on it, I didn't swallow" and "it was offered to me" is also out, for similar reasons. I wonder when I will stop deluding myself with this ridiculous excuses? And I also, nervously, wonder, where the punishment level may lay by then? It has been upped from one slap to two, and then to ten blows with the crop. I think it may be time for me to stop making excuses and start obeying.

Perhaps. If I could only remember it when people keep shoving candy in front om my face (or having it in vending machines and in coffee shop and and and...).

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